Posision availlable
We are looking for highly motivated, skilled candidates with a background either in catalysis, polymer, nanoparticle synthesis and assembly, synchrotron characterization, molecular dynamics, and biomaterials for drug/gene delivery and tissue engineering.
Preferred candidates will have a master's degree in chemistry, chemical engineering, materials science or a related field.
Undergraduate candidates with strong research background are also encouraged to apply.
Interested applicants should send their CV and cover letter to Tao Li at taoli@aps.anl.gov or tli4@niu.edu; suitable candidates will be contacted for further interview, and the final candidates are required to submit TOFEL (for international students) and GRE scores for an official application. The assistantships provide full tuition and fees as well as a monthly stipend (around $2k/month). We also welcome the visiting student and scientist to join our group.
NIU Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
La Tourette Hall 416
Tel.: 815‐753‐7003
Email: tli4@niu.edu
ANL Advanced Photon Source X‐Ray Science Division
Building 433 E001
Tel.: 630‐252‐1626
Email: taoli@aps.anl.gov